I had a fantastic baby shower last weekend. Coed, lots of friends, a keg, great food. Can't thank Miss Amie and my sister enough for throwing it. Not to mention the 30-some hand-painted onesies and 590 q-tips I now have... crazy.
My belly feels like it is growing at a ridiculous rate. I can feel her when she's shifting position in there now, not just when she kicks. The bad news is I think she's found my bladder and is playing "make mum run to the bathroom" with it. Still working on the name thing, though we're closing in on a few good candidates.
Went to ICFA and World Horror since I last posted. Both were great: fun, but tiring. Ft. Lauderdale was warm and muggy, but not crazily so. Had some good meetings and ended up with 4 interviews in the can, when we had only scheduled one. Got to hang out with Gary Wolfe and Graham Sleight a bit, had a fantastic lunch with Geoff Ryman (more joke swapping, the repetoire continues to grow), had a wee spot of late night by the pool hanging out with guitar and singing and conversations (my favorite part of ICFA actually). I wonder how Orlando will compare...
WHC was in Toronto, a city I had never visited before, always a plus. I got to a lunch with Guy Kay, hung with John & Traci and Chris & Allison a bit (my favorites to see at cons). I hadn't spent much time with Liz Gorinsky or George Mann before, and am pleased to have done so now. Roberta Lannes is a kick, and I hope she will keep coming to cons. Didn't get to hang out with a few folks I had hoped to spend more time with, but isn't that always the case. Seemed like it was over before it really got going (mostly since my late-night partying days are on hold right now), but I was still exhausted by the time I got on the plane.
Edited 60-some pages of Clute, Straub, and Wolfe down on the plane, eventually to the requisite 25 (with some help from Tim!), a task I wouldn't wish on anyone. Got the horror essays in shape. Did photo layouts for both ICFA and WHC, which is by itself more than we would usually put into a single month. My god, it was a crazy issue. But it's done, and I have no more special issues coming out or travel planned till after the baby arrives. Thanks to everyone that helped us ID folks -- that's always the tricky part. AndI hope everyone enjoys our Look at Horror. We try to keep the dark stuff in the mix, sometimes more difficult depending on what is being published... Last year's issue was light on the articles, this year's is more substantial. Gives us a chance to dig in a little deeper and see what the folks who are on the inside have to say about it.