Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Crazy crazy

I recently emailed a friend, saying that things had been crazy here. I meant crazy busy, but pretty much that same day, everything broke loose. Someone scooped my checking account number and passed $3,200 in checks in two days, essentially wiping me out and then some. And being in Ft. Lauderdale for ICFA didn't help. ICFA was great though. Met some new folks, always fun, and got to spend some time with Peter Straub, Gary Wolfe, Ellen Datlow, and Jim Kelly, among others. Came back to deadline though, and now I'm seriously exhausted.

On the good side, Locus is up for a Hugo, officially announced today, and my name is on the ballot along with Kirsten and Charles. Totally unexpected, but pretty exciting. Maybe the hypertension is worth it after all.

... Come home, toss and turn till the fifth watch.
Two swallows in the rafters hear the long sigh
-Li Shang-yin

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yikes! Congratulations on the nomination, but commiserations on the fraud! How helpful is your bank being...?