Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Reading: Adventure: Vol. 1, Chris Roberson, ed.
Glass Soup, by Jonathan Carroll

Well, it's been an interesting few weeks. Z'boss took a spill picking up Terry Pratchett at his hotel, and though we had a good visit, he was out of commission for two weeks in a wheelchair -- not an easy time for anyone. But he's back in action now.
Neil Gaiman came by, the day he hit the NY Times & PW lists at number one. He's pretty smooth, that one, especially in the spotlight. He read his book THE DAY I SWAPPED MY DAD FOR TWO GOLDFISH to our youngest minion, age five, and ended up with the whole staff gathered around listening.

Enjoying ADVENTURE. Some of the stories have a familiar feel, like a lost, favorite hat put on again. It's an interesting mix.
GLASS SOUP is like revisiting my early twenties when I read everything I could find by Milan Kundera -- loss in some shade runs through every bit of the story, even with the sort of wry humor he uses. And it's slightly cold, a little analytical, but I care what happens to the characters. Read OUTSIDE THE DOG MUSEUM recently as well, but must get to WHITE APPLES, even if it's the wrong order.

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